Thursday, September 2, 2021

Wattle Stitch Washcloth - Free Washcloth Crochet Pattern

Hello my amazing crafty friend, I hope you are having both a wonderful day and week! Cannot believe we are quickly approaching the fall season already. Have I tried my first pumpkin spice latte and hot apple cider of the season.... oh you know it! How about you? Are you more of a pumpkin spice latte or apple cider drinker?

As I was sipping on that first delightful apple cider this past week, I started thinking of what pattern to share with you this week. The pattern need to be either something that can be used during a specific holiday season (I am looking at you Halloween) or can be used all year long. That is when the idea of a washcloth came to mind. I have been wanting to make washcloths for a very long time but just did not have the time to, until today!

Today we will be tackling the Wattle Stitch Washcloth, and as stated in the pattern, we will be using the wattle stitch. The great thing about this stitch is once you go past row two, you will be repeating the pattern until the desired length and it brings a lot of beautiful texture to the washcloth. With Halloween in the brain, I used the candy corn colors to create this washcloth. The great thing about all of my designs are that you are the creator and you get to decide what colors to use. Definitely make sure to tag me on instagram, love seeing all of the beautiful yarn colors! Alright, lets get into this washcloth design!



  1. Important note, when creating either this or any other washcloth pattern, I highly recommend using cotton yarn. That way the shape and structure of the design will remain in tack.
  2. For this pattern, I used 3 different cotton yarn colors. You can also use
  3. This pattern is for personal use only. Please do not sell this pattern as your own. Please feel free to sell the finished item and do give credit to Fresh Cut Yarn.
  4. If you will be selling these online, please do provide a link to my shop, thank you!


Yarn Weight: 4-medium cotton yarn

Crochet hook 3.5mm

Tapestry needle



R= round

Ch= chain

St= stitch

Sc= Single Crochet

Dc= double crochet

Wattle Stitch Washcloth

Starting with your first yarn color of choice


R1-R7 you are going to be using your first yarn color 

R1) Sc into the 3rd ch from the hook,*1sc, ch1, 1dc in the same st as your sc, skip 2ch* you are going to repeat this until the end of the row, to end your row, in the last ch you are going to place a sc.

R2) Ch1, turn your work, skip first sc, skip the dc,*[1sc, ch1, 1dc in the same st as your sc, skip 2ch] into next ch sp, skip first sc, skip the dc,* you are going to repeat this until you reach the end of the row, in the last st you are going to place a sc.

At this point you will be repeating R2 until you end row 21 and if you decide to switch colors, please see below:

- R8-R14 you are going to be using your second yarn color   

- R15-R21 you are going to be using your third yarn color   


Next you are going to f/o, leaving a tail which you will knot off and weave the tail inside your washcloth. At this point in your washcloth creating journey I want to say... CONGRATS! You just made your own wattle stitch washcloth! I hope you not only enjoyed working with a new stitch but also enjoyed the process!

While you work on this pattern and questions pop, I recommend either 1) adding your comment below, 2) email me at, or 3) send me a direct message on instagram. If you do not have a question but still want to say hi, you are more than welcome to reach out to me through either option listed above.

Thanks again, I hope you have a wonderful day, and stay tuned for future free patterns!

Cindy 💖


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